Why Home Churches?


When we read about the birth of the Church, in the opening chapters of Acts, we see a vibrant and growing community of believers that are experiencing the goodness of God in its richest forms. We see people growing in their faith, lives being changed, people committed to each other and to the spreading of the gospel. People who have felt chained to their sins or past mistakes find freedom through the grace of Jesus and their identity is found in him. 

The Spirit is moving, the Church is growing, and the message of Jesus is spreading all of it…through groups of Christians that meet in each other’s homes. 

The Church was not a building or a location, it was a group of people, gathered around Jesus, and together in homes. 

These home churches were built on the pillars of:

  • The teachings of Jesus

  • Worship

  • Prayer

  • Community

  • And sharing these with others.

The Americanized, westernized, and centralized model of the church has not worked well for a long time. Our bigger is better metrics for success have not resulted in more people knowing Jesus and so to a degree, those metrics must be reset. We know that great things are happening at churches whose model is different than ours and we greatly rejoice over that! 

We see and hear it all the time, but you will never experience the strength of community like you will in a home church. Our desire is for everyone to feel known, loved and valued. Our desire is for everyone to hear the voice of God, to understand the Word, to be challenged and to be encouraged every week that we gather.