Our Mission


Build Faith

For Christians, our faith is our lifeline. Our faith in God, in His son Jesus and in the redeeming plans of scripture, must be continually strengthened and built upon. Hebrews 11:6 says, "without faith, it is impossible to please God". Our trust in Jesus, our dependence on God’s love and our belief that we can persevere, rises or falls based on the levels of our faith. Romans 10:17 says, "faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ”, so our focus is on the faith building words of Christ.


Restore Hope

We live in a world that has largely lost its sense of hope. For many, hope is rooted in: our success, our money, our health, our future, but all of those things fail. Hope allows us to brush off the disappointments of this life and gaze instead into the power of God in this life and His promises for eternity. When we know that God will be with us in 5 minutes and in 5 centuries, we find a hope that cannot be taken from us. The hope that Jesus offers is not a wishful thinking type of hope, but instead a firm conviction.


Show Love

Much of God’s glory is shown through His love for us. In one of the most iconic verses in the Bible, John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” Our goal is not only to show love to those around us, but to point people towards the love that Jesus already has for them. A love that is not conditional or reserved, but a love that is infinite and inexpressible.